March 2023 Newsletter

March 2023 Newsletter

We have recently completed two construction projects at the Mwembezhi clinic in Zambia.

1. Mother’s Shelter

In Zambia, mothers are expected to deliver babies at a government health center. The Mwembezhi clinic is such a place.  In 2022, we had 165 institutional deliveries of which 41 were delivered by the midwife and 124 were delivered by the Clinical Officer and other nurses. To encourage safe deliveries and because mothers often have to travel by foot to get to the clinic, we provide a mother’s shelter to support safe, monitored deliveries for as many babies as possible. This space is where mothers come and stay about two days before giving birth and for two to three days after birth depending on normal versus complicated deliveries. 

“Though the mountains be shaken, and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken or my covenant of peace be removed, says the Lord who has compassion on you” Isaiah 54:10

The mother’s space also allows for postnatal care during those critical 48 hours after delivery, allowing mom and baby to stay on our clinic campus. Health education can be provided to mothers during this time. In addition, this is a great time to encourage our families to thank God for the blessing of children, and to share God’s word with them.

In the late spring of 2022, the Health Professional Council of Zambia conducted its bi-annual inspection of the clinic and although our score was greatly improved over previous inspections it was noted that we did not have separate male and female observation rooms. 

The building which houses the mother’s shelter was in serious need of repair and remodeling. It should also be noted that the building housed a storeroom with a locked door, which the local police force sometimes would use as a temporary lock up for prisoners. 

With funding from the WELS Committee for Aid and Relief and Students from Wisconsin Lutheran Highschool in Milwaukee, we were able to remodel the building to provide a larger mothers room for up to three mothers instead of two and add separate male and female observation rooms.  We fixed cracked blockwork, installed a new roof, connected the building to our solar power system and added lights and power sockets. New washing facilities were added, and walls and windows we repaired and repainted. The shelter reopened in late 2022.

2. Staff House

The clinic has four staff houses on the campus. These homes are used by staff who are either on call or working shifts. Mwembezhi is a 24/7 facility which requires this on-campus housing for around the clock clinic services. Providing safe shelter for our staff allow them to be available for off hours medical services. One of the older staff houses was made from mud bricks which were being eaten by termites, making structural integrity a concern. A replacement staff house was needed. Again, the WELS Committee for Aid and Relief and the students from  Wisconsin Lutheran High School funded a new 2 bedroom home for one of our staff members. The project allowed us to extend our water supply to give this house inside plumbing and nearby water standpipes for the other staff houses. The project is nearing final completion and Mrs. Banda , our Nurse/midwife, will be moving in shortly.

The Central Africa Medical Mission is a means of showing Christ’s love to people in Africa, through providing rural health care. Romans 12:13 reminds us to share with God’s people who are in need. These new and remodeled buildings allow our Mwembezhi clinic staff to do that when caring for our patients. The funds which were generously donated for these projects were given out of brotherly love to those we serve in Zambia. Our staff and patients continue to be blessed by your support and ongoing prayers. Thank you!

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