January 2023 Newsletter

January 2023 Newsletter

“For I know the Plans I Have for You” Declared the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” - Jeremiah 25:11

Dear CAMM Contact Women and Supporters,

“For I know the Plans I Have for You” Declared the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 25:11 What words from the Lord for a New Year to help focus our thoughts and plans on this scripture. May all of you reading this monthly newsletter, gain insight into God’s Plan for your year as you ponder Jeremiah 25:11 and receive this month’s newsletter “Of Thanks” from Alisad Banda, Clinic Admin- Zambia.

Lutheran Mission Rural Health Centre (Mwembezhi) (LMRHC) is very grateful for the help and support received from our friends in the United State of America through the leadership of Central Africa Medical team, for over 60 years and particularly 2022. Thank you so very much for the help and support that came through in form of baby clothes, blankets, books, pill bottles, financial contributions just to mention but a few.

The members of staff at the clinic have depends on all that is contributed through such wonderful assistance to the health centre, the clinic drugs and equipment, maintenance of the property is part of the reasons we say “thank you”. 

We thank you for taking part of your time to collect different parcels that came to our health centre and in many cases, you took time to write some encouraging messages on the card or paper, we truly value your words and comments. Every donation has spoken in the life of somebody, sometimes I take time as I get to the post office to receive the parcel and think to myself that someone out there thought about the clinic, about a mother and her new-born baby. I am motivated and moved by such gestures, a lesson for me and many others.

We are happy for the new house that is under construction for the member of staff and again, this is a big motivation and thank you for all the resources for helping in that area. Thank you for the extended help by rehabilitating the mother’s shelter which is now complete, and it gives the centre room to have clients under observation and have mothers rest in the shelter.

In conclusion, I pray that in whatever we do, let us be motivated by the love of Jesus Christ, as we do the works of service. What we may think is only a little action, goes a long way to solving a problem and act as an inspiration to follow Christ. We truly appreciate you for being a friend to the people of Shibuyunji district where our health centre is found. You have indeed demonstrated your care in all the administration of the health centre. Sincerely, Abanda.

God’s Blessing to you all,

Joni Vaughn
CAMM Contact Woman Coordinator
cwc.camm@gmail.com 218-866-2589
12817 Mountain Ash Drive
Baxter, MN 56425 

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